17 July 2008

The Espnfluence

Join me in my boycott of walt disney's sports network won't you? Over the past week they have managed to take small, possibly unnoticeable swipes at sports teams in Houston. The Rockets and Texans to be precise. I'm a homer, through and through, and I sense that every chance to gouge a houston team they get, they take it.

The first, was a discussion regarding nascar. Some driver, I don't know who and I don't care, is changing teams. The reporter said" It doesn't make sense to change, it's like going from a good team like the Dallas Cowboys and switching to The Texans, a lesser team". HEY SCREW YOU BUDDY! Petty? probably, but he could have went with Giants to Jets, Yankees to Mets, Lakers to Clippers,!

Then there was talk of this weekends golf tournament, The open championship, I think. The statement this time, " whoever wins, this tournament with Tiger out, will be just as credible as the '94 and '95 Houston Rockets, only winning cause Jordan was retired. I don't know about you, but I am almost certain that the '94 team would have beaten Jordan's Bulls. They didn't lose 4 games in any 7 game stretch throughout the entire season, that was a true team. And I tend think that Clyde would have taken advantage of his chance to show Jordan and Scottie some PHI SLAMA JAMA!

We will never know about those Rockets Teams, but this year is the year for the Texans to make some noise. I predict that our Texans are going to bring themselves into the homes of people that don't even know they exist.

I will be posting a Preseason Prediction Post in the near future, so stay tuned!


1 comment:

CG said...

I'm with you on this one bro. The national media is always down on Houston. Not only our sports team but the entire city. Why don't we get any respect? Houston is the fourth largest city in the greatest country in the world(I'm a little biased)