30 July 2008


I have been calling the Texans defense from last season D. O. M. as in DOMination! D-emeco ryans, amobe O-koye, and Mario williams. I did this because I believe that the Texans defense will be a dominate D. this season.
Texan Rob, a blogger who posts on www.chron.com had an even better idea. He took into account Frank Okam, the rookie defensive tackle from UT, and put Okam among the other names and came up with The Legion of DOOM, Demeco, Okoye, Okam, Mario. It's perfect, you have the first names of the bookends Demeco and Mario, which these guys should be for years and the last names of the younger guys. Okoye and Okam. Assuming Okam gets in the rotation, I think he will, this will be great nickname for The Texans Defense.
I'm just saying lets spread THE LEGION OF DOOM! and when the Texans get enough credit for being a football team in the NFL, even the national media will refer to them as THE LEGION OF DOOM!

Thanks Texan Rob!


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